Thursday, May 29, 2014

Series 2 - breakfast

I really like this photo and the foreground/background focus. This angle is really cool. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Series - glass medium

In my series, I focused on looking at things through a different medium like glass. 

I really like this photo because of the foreground background sharpness. I think it fits with my series because this person is looking straight through her glasses, while the camera is doing the same from the opposite end. 

 This is a photo of a glass water bottle and this is a neat perspective from a lower point. I like the ripples and bubbles that you are forced to focus on, as the background is completely warped through the water in the bottle. 

This is a textured window that completely turns the objects on the other side into lighter and darker blurs. I like the juxtaposition of sharpness with the two fingers in the photo that as it only makes the blurred image stronger.  

There is an obvious warping of the background through this glass and an even more hindered image in the water portion of the bottle. This photo has three layers (the blurred background, the blurred background through the glass, and the clouded background through the water), and i think that with the three layers comes three different perspectives and three different mediums. 

This is a cool photo in a sort of telescope way of looking at things. The clear image appears at the bottom of the glass and it shows what is farthest way in the clearest manner, yet it is still warped.  I like the bright red colors that attract the eyes through the glass. Also, there is a contrast of sharpness, this time, the background being the clear one. 

This one is similar to the one above, but its object is more clear. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Design Photos

I like this photo because it looks very imaginative.

This photo is supposed to resemble a postcard. I especially like the leading lines in it and the ombre color of the sky. 

This is supposed to resample an add for shoes and I really like the positioning of the shoos because you can see the logo on both of them. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Freeze Motion

 I threw the cup full of tea up into the air while simultaneously trying to capture a photo of the liquid. I think I was content with this photo because, even though the liquid is on the side of the cup rather than above it where i had originally wanted it, I think it adds a cool uniqueness with the shape and the positioning.
 similar to the above photo, I captured the liquid while it was falling. I like the focused foreground and the blurred background in this photo as well as the lighting on the tea bag.
I like this photo because it looks like she is floating. Her left hand adds delicacy to her figure and i like the leading lines, rule if thirds in the background, and the shadows. 
I like this photo because of the shadow. The hair is frozen in such an unusual way and it is seen from two perspectives: on the person and on the wall. I also like the lighting on the wall.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


The subject was moving and doing things with her face such as fixing her glasses and i like how you can see all of the things she was doing as if she had multiple limbs and was doing them all at once..

The models were both moving their arms and bodies.

The model was spinning and I like how the legs overlap in the middle and similar to the above photos, you can see the many movements of the legs.

The model was walking and i like how you can see the feet. This photo sort of reminds me of a "time gone by" photo, for lack of a better phrase.

The model was still as I walked closer to her. I did the same this as the photo below but instead of a rapid movement toward the model, it was slow, so you could see the camera progressing in more frames. 

The model was still and then I rapidly went up to the model with my camera. i like how you can see the model from a distance and then faintly see the facial features of her.

I like how this person looks like a wave, when really it is just a blurred person dragged out into lines. I moved my camera vertical to get this wave effect.

I like the dress in this photo where the model bent over. The leg is standing out because it was in the same position for the entirety of the open shutter. Also, I don't know why but i like the light.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


This photo was taken at the beach around sunset and the bright colorful yet simple background serves as an amazing backdrop to intensify the black silhouette. I like how the subject is off to the side rather than in the center and I like the reflection on the wet sand and water of the sky. 

I like the composition in this photo because it's geometrical and different. The silhouette of the hands look like they are reaching for something in the sky.

I really like that this silhouette is made with 2 different hands that conjoined into one subject. 

I really like the silhouette of the earring because its delicacy is enhanced with the clear contrast with the background. I like how it is complimented by the outline of the model's face. 

The silhouette of the shrivels leaves is sharpened with the blurred background and intensifies the outline. 
I like how in this photo you can see the greenery that adds color the shadow and the cement. Also, I think it is interesting how the shadow on the cement disrupts the straight lines of the squares.